Saturday, January 17, 2015

Since I last posted the jihadist's have been busy, our president hasn't, and our sec. of state has been acting as the m.c. at a James Taylor concert for the French p.m. Really, has an administration become so irrelevant so quickly since Jimmah Cahtah's did in '79? Speaking of Cahtah, the Georgia blow-hole was pontificating about Obama's faux pas of not attending or sending a rep to the huge march in France. Jimmah, take some advice from someone who really and truly does not like you: STFU! I understand that after all these years of being wrong on nearly every issue, it must be easy for you to say something stupid and go one on with your life. Unfortunately for the rest of us, you can't help yourself and insist on tormenting the rest of us with your doddering, pathetic, blathering.
Let me say this up front: I have no love for the French gov't. and their ruling class. They are elitist to the extreme, they really believe they know more about romance, politics, art, literature, science and foreign relations. They're wrong. They do have pretty decent food and wine. French films are a little theatre-of-the-absurd for my taste and Jerry Lewis is still considered a comic icon there, so how smart are they? Having said this, I have been pleasantly surprised by the French response to the Charlie Hebdo murders. They found a spine and grew a pair. They've done what we don't seem capable of doing. Or don't seem interested in doing; taking the war to the jihadist's and making them die for their crimes. We need to make this part of our daily lives. We need to understand that the jihadist's mean exactly what they say. They mean to force their beliefs on us by the sword, or the gun, or by any means necessary and we need to inculcate this into our thought patterns. They do intend to kill us all.

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